Vignettes and Poems on Memory and Identity
Vignettes and Poems on Memory and Identity
During the Spring of 2018 I was lucky to teach two courses that dealt with the themes of memory and identity: Spanish 305 ( Textual Analysis) and an advanced seminar, Spanish 410 (Literature of Exile, Immigration and Ethnicity). As a creative exercise that very much related to the class readings, students in both classes were asked to write about “an event or an experience that somehow defined them as the individuals they are today.” There were no grades assigned and no guidelines provided. The responses were vastly different and came in as microcuentos, poems, and vignettes.
Durante el semestre de la primavera del 2018, tuve la suerte de enseñar dos cursos que tuvieron que ver con los temas de identidad y memoria. Spanish 305 (Textual Analysis) y un seminario para estudiantes avanzados Spanish 410 ( Literature of Exile, Immigation and Ethnicity). Como ejercicio creativo, los estudiantes tenían que “escribir sobre una experiencia o evento que de alguna manera los definiera como individuos hoy día.” No se asignó nota a la tarea y básicamente no habían reglas fijas. Las respuestas como podrán confirmar a continuación fueron muy distintasen forma y en contenido: microcuentos, poemas, y viñetas.
Isabel Alvarez-Borland