Elizabeth Hallahan, ’20
Mis árboles
I choose to write this poem because of the recent spotlight on sexual abuse and misconduct in the media this past year. I have had the chance to reflect on these issues because, like many women, I have experienced catcalling, harassment, and discomfort. I have found myself growing more and more angry, especially since I have been made to feel unsafe in certain environments and that as a woman, I cannot always travel alone. While this issue is seemingly small and has been normalized by our society, it is something I believe needs more attention. Writing this piece in Spanish was challenging because I am not a native speaker. I wanted to create a powerful piece, but had trouble articulating exactly what I had to say. Speaking about these issues is already difficult, especially when one is trying to describe certain emotions. As a result, writing this piece in Spanish forced me to think deeper about the implications of harassment and abuse than I normally would have otherwise. Overall, I am grateful for the experience because it expanded my writing ability, as well as my own personal views.
Mis árboles tienen ojos, cordones flotan por calles en los días frígidas de noviembre
Melodías que llevan mis pies fuertes a través del oro del otoño, pasos de memoria
Mis árboles, me cuentan secretos, remansos del roble y cantos de los pájaros
Mis árboles tienen ojos, humo que gira alrededor neblina temprana como dedos rotos
Un carro que sigue mis pies fuertes a través de calles desiertas, la música retumba
Mis arboles, estoy sola, estoy sola, estoy sola, con hojas endebles para escapar las bestias
Mis árboles tienen ojos, ventanas bajan, fauces abren, llamadas, ululatos, silbidos, rasgan el cielo pintado
Terrores que empujan mis pies fuertes lejos, lejos, hasta que mi garganta quema y mi alma revienta
Y se esparce y extiende a través del paisaje vacío, supongo que yo debo dejar todo atrás.
Pero mis árboles tienen ojos y no olvidarán
Mis árboles
I choose to write this poem because of the recent spotlight on sexual abuse and misconduct in the media this past year. I have had the chance to reflect on these issues because, like many women, I have experienced catcalling, harassment, and discomfort. I have found myself growing more and more angry, especially since I have been made to feel unsafe in certain environments and that as a woman, I cannot always travel alone. While this issue is seemingly small and has been normalized by our society, it is something I believe needs more attention. Writing this piece in Spanish was challenging because I am not a native speaker. I wanted to create a powerful piece, but had trouble articulating exactly what I had to say. Speaking about these issues is already difficult, especially when one is trying to describe certain emotions. As a result, writing this piece in Spanish forced me to think deeper about the implications of harassment and abuse than I normally would have otherwise. Overall, I am grateful for the experience because it expanded my writing ability, as well as my own personal views.
Mis árboles tienen ojos, cordones flotan por calles en los días frígidas de noviembre
Melodías que llevan mis pies fuertes a través del oro del otoño, pasos de memoria
Mis árboles, me cuentan secretos, remansos del roble y cantos de los pájaros
Mis árboles tienen ojos, humo que gira alrededor neblina temprana como dedos rotos
Un carro que sigue mis pies fuertes a través de calles desiertas, la música retumba
Mis arboles, estoy sola, estoy sola, estoy sola, con hojas endebles para escapar las bestias
Mis árboles tienen ojos, ventanas bajan, fauces abren, llamadas, ululatos, silbidos, rasgan el cielo pintado
Terrores que empujan mis pies fuertes lejos, lejos, hasta que mi garganta quema y mi alma revienta
Y se esparce y extiende a través del paisaje vacío, supongo que yo debo dejar todo atrás.
Pero mis árboles tienen ojos y no olvidarán