Premio de traducción | Translation Prize
Apple of the Earth
Universal bread of the earth: the potato
is not a fruit of Eros, but suffices.
Revered by the Incas as in Egypt was Isis,
era after era did their veneration grow.
Cousin of the yucca, it does not forego
poverty and humility, but does from a phthisis,
and satisfies its macilent tribe—the universe, in the event of a crisis
through the love of ñapa and a bounty overflowed.
Apple of the Earth, as they say in France
where the last Dauphin's adornment drew looks askance:
that of the exalted potato's flower.
And for this blessed potato without pontificate,
Pius IX's papal encyclical sought to deliver it,
and to the blessed verse, I bestow its power.
— James Michielli
Trinity College, CT
Poma de tierra
Pan de la tierra universal, la papa
no es un fruto de Eros, mas sustenta.
Los incas la adoraron, cual se cuenta,
era tras era y etapa tras etapa.
Hermana de la yuca, no se escapa
de ser pobre y humilde, mas no hambrienta,
colma el hambre a su tribu macilenta
y al universo con amor de ñapa.
Poma de tierra se le dice en Francia
donde el Rey Sol se decoró con gracia
con la flor de la papa bienvenida
Y la bendita papa sin papado,
el Papa mismo bendición le ha dado
y yo la llevo al verso bendecida.
Universal bread of the earth: the potato
is not a fruit of Eros, but suffices.
Revered by the Incas as in Egypt was Isis,
era after era did their veneration grow.
Cousin of the yucca, it does not forego
poverty and humility, but does from a phthisis,
and satisfies its macilent tribe—the universe, in the event of a crisis
through the love of ñapa and a bounty overflowed.
Apple of the Earth, as they say in France
where the last Dauphin's adornment drew looks askance:
that of the exalted potato's flower.
And for this blessed potato without pontificate,
Pius IX's papal encyclical sought to deliver it,
and to the blessed verse, I bestow its power.
— James Michielli
Trinity College, CT
Poma de tierra
Pan de la tierra universal, la papa
no es un fruto de Eros, mas sustenta.
Los incas la adoraron, cual se cuenta,
era tras era y etapa tras etapa.
Hermana de la yuca, no se escapa
de ser pobre y humilde, mas no hambrienta,
colma el hambre a su tribu macilenta
y al universo con amor de ñapa.
Poma de tierra se le dice en Francia
donde el Rey Sol se decoró con gracia
con la flor de la papa bienvenida
Y la bendita papa sin papado,
el Papa mismo bendición le ha dado
y yo la llevo al verso bendecida.
— Ramiro Lagos