Grace Hoelscher, ’22

Red Hot (2021)
Pastels, latex and acrylic paint on paper
44.25” x 35.75”
Pastels, latex and acrylic paint on paper
44.25” x 35.75”
Grace Hoelscher‘s process and material-based abstract paintings stem from a desire to escape the trappings of “perfection” and work from a place that allows for improvisation, accident and discovery. She seeks the illusion of three-dimensional space, with “a successful piece uncovering more and more detail as the viewer looks at it.”
The piece appeared in the in the exhibition “Remember Tomorrow” on view from April 27 through graduation day, May 27, 2022 at the The Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Art Gallery at the College of the Holy Cross. The show, which featured the work of graduating senior art majors, included drawing, painting, sculpture and mixed media in both figurative, landscape and abstract forms – reflecting the students’ range of experiences during the pandemic and their hopes for the future of the world they are entering into. You may see more of the work on the webpage for the exhibition ︎.