The Getty Challenge
When Holy Cross closed the campus in response to Covid-19, faculty in the Visual Arts department invited students who were finishing their coursework remotely to take up the challenge issued by the Getty Museum in Los Angeles to recreate a work of art with objects (and people) in their home. A number of students chose works of Spanish or Mexican origin, presented below.
The Getty Challenge
When Holy Cross closed the campus in response to Covid-19, faculty in the Visual Arts department invited students who were finishing their coursework remotely to take up the challenge issued by the Getty Museum in Los Angeles to recreate a work of art with objects (and people) in their home. A number of students chose works of Spanish or Mexican origin, presented below.

Jasmine Williams '21
The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali, 1931
Museum of Modern Art, New York

Monica Martinez '21
Boquet of Peace, 1958
by Pablo Picasso
Lithograph print
Boquet of Peace, 1958
by Pablo Picasso
Lithograph print

Diego on My Mind or Self Portrait as Tehuana by Frida Kahlo, 1943
The Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection

The Two Fridas by Frida Kahlo, 1939
Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico

Self Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird by Frida Kahlo, 1940
Harry Ransom Center